There should be, or needs to be a provision in our constitution that states that ANY elected or appointed official that does not serve the AMERICAN PEOPLE can and will be removed from said office and tried for treason. This should be enforced, strongly enforced.

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I absolutely believe Trump devolved the government. Devolution is the only concept of which I’m aware that exists without apparent contradictions in current events.

It’s absolutely imperative that whatever actions are taken, it’s done 100% by-the-book to the degree that any action undertaken will survive the harshest future legal scrutiny. Whatever mechanisms are used to ‘right the ship’, they need to be legally unshakeable, especially if Trump ends up back in the White House.

As SLAG points out, the Constitution offers us no clear path. Yet I think it still plays a central role, specifically through the MIL oath to uphold and defend the Constitution.

The military is the only way to restore America.

Without going into the weeds speculating how it will play out, at least from 100,000ft there’s no shortage of possibilities that could provide proof of some level of corruption and foreign control:

-Election audits

-The Durham and Weiss investigations

-The Maxwell trial

-The Juicy Sommelier trial

-Nuremburg 2.0 and the exposure of Fauci, Daszak, Pfizer and the medical-industrial complex

The problem is that a large percentage of the public will not see the proof because of MSM suppression.

I have no idea what event or happening will bring the MIL out of the shadows but I think it would need to create a Constitutional Crisis. Anything less would have the potential of MIL law being second-guessed.


What if election fraud perpetrated by enemies FOREIGN and domestic is proven on a Congressional level? Having these cases wind through the states feels like it will take an excessively long time but maybe that’s what needs to happen.

Unless someone like Eric Coomer has been flipped. What if he confesses and brings the receipts that among other things directly implicate the CCP?

No matter how the fraud is revealed, elections will be nullified and as @Andre points out, unrecoverable. MIL will have no choice but to step in because, outwardly, Continuity of Government will be jeopardized. MIL will then set into motion the process for new elections.

One more thing. The MIL take control of the MSM - hold that thought for a moment.

The important part of this spitball is that MIL will be publicly in control until the new elections. I don’t think this necessarily means that devolution will be revealed, however. I think the notion that the Biden admin has been presiding over and owns this shitshow is critical.

Flashback: On June 12, 2015, just four days before Trump announced his candidacy, the DoD released the first edition of its Law of War Manual. Until then, DoD had never put forth a DoD-wide manual concerning the Law of War. While different branches had their own manuals, a comprehensive manual didn’t exist. I don’t think the timing of DJT’s announcement was coincidental. It’s almost as if the act of publishing/formalizing MIL process under the previous admin was a precondition for Trump announcing his candidacy

It’s a LONG manual - almost 1200 pages. Chapter 11 Military Occupation (just 84 pages!) is the most relevant section. .


Before jumping to a few specifics relevant to SLAG’s questions, I want to explain why I think this entire concept is legally applicable.

According to, the law of belligerent (military) occupation does NOT apply to liberation of friendly territory (the US). It defines the administration of liberated friendly territory as being governed by a civil affairs agreement between the MIL and the government of the friendly territory.

However, it further explains (and the footnotes add clarity) that if a civil affairs agreement isn’t possible due to other circumstance (like having an unrecoverable election), a military government by a belligerent power is a legal option.

The importance of respecting as much of the occupied state’s existing laws is woven into the fabric of this Manual. As such, I think any law promulgated by MIL as the occupying power will necessarily be congruent with the Constitution.

OK - on to three interesting sections/sub-sections about the breadth of authority vs normal civilian law.

-11.5.2 MIL has duty to respect the laws in force in the Country unless it impacts their security.

-11.7.2 MIL has the authority to censor any and all forms of media (footnote re: 1A is relevant.)

- Notwithstanding the obligation to respect the laws of the Country, MIL has the authority to change municipal laws (think sanctuary cities, for example).

To the last of SLAG’s questions: Will there be trials?

Most definitely. and provide MIL with the authority to suspend ordinary (non-criminal) courts if they are corrupt, establish MIL courts to enforce civil laws (not just MIL laws) AND remove judges and prosecutors from office (see footnote - Hey, Binger and Fatlock, pay attention!)

Section 11.11 - Criminal Court is an extension of 11.10 Ordinary Court. It establishes further procedures to remain aligned with the occupied territory’s laws and the Geneva Convention (GC). I think this section would only apply to foreign nationals (not US citizens) in uniform as they would be defined as Protected Persons under the GC.

Not sure, I don’t believe US citizens who committed treason (spies or otherwise aided the enemy) are subject to GC protections and would likely face military tribunals and the death penalty.

I believe Antifa will be declared enemy combatants. I don’t believe they would be afforded GC protections as US citizens, .

Tribunals are very different from civilian court. The judges are the de facto jury, rules of evidence are different, and the defense has very little leeway in terms of delays and shenanigans. Tribunals are def expedited justice.

I wonder if MIL will publicly take charge before Durham or Weiss move into trial phase and the targets find themselves facing a MIL tribunal? That would be interesting, indeed.

I’m unclear as to whether this occupation would be solely at a Federal level, or if the MIL would also consider each state as occupied territory. I’m inclined to believe it could include states as occupied territory, which would allow the MIL to clean house and change election laws in blue states.

I think it’s critical that MIL occupation would be initiated under a non-Trump admin because optics are important.

I think the entirety of Chapter 11 provides a framework that ensures all actions will withstand any level of future scrutiny, while providing very generous leeway for MIL to

-Take control of public messaging

-Weed out corrupt officials

-Change corrupt laws.

-Mete out justice to traitors



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It appears that you have given this a lot of thought. I like it, if that’s what it will take keep sending your info.

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You see clearly. Constitution is a guide, the rules we live by. WTP have to fight FOR it, not just observe its usefulness. INSIST on adherence. Stay armed and ready. You never know when one of those illegal military-age aliens with face tats or slanted eyes will show up on your lawn - in which case, I"m shooting first and negotiating later. My advice: call the law and load your guns. Americans have got to stop being so unsure of their right to defend themselves. Get mad dog mean, to quote Eastman. Your life is at stake.

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I call it "Operation Undertow".... You may think the waves are crashing in one direction but below the surface, the Undercurrent takes you out to sea. For the enemy, it's too late and they can't change direction.

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We the Conservative American’s want to see every One in Congress the Senate, Gov. , Mayor and all corrupt anti American that participated in the Coup against Trump to be tried for treason and charged with acts of treason against President Trump and The American people. I want to see Pelosi put behind bars for disrespect and destroying American property by tearing up President Trumps address to the Union her act of disrespect should warrant severe jail time. I want Obama and Hillary Clinton tried for treason for acts against a sitting President. Time to put everyone of these American Traitors in prison.

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Nope no prison, execute each and every last one of these treasonous traitors, permanently!

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I totally agree, send them all to Gitmo. No chocolate Ice Cream for Pukelosi

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Totally agree...

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At last an article I can comprehend. Not in good health, elderly, surrounded by a world off it’s axis is not a happy place to be. This at least gives some hope that America, the greatest country in the world has a chance to recover. I look forward to reading more. Thank you.

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Hang in there Sandra! I'm 67 and it's a lot to deal with. Looking forward to the other side of this craziness.

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I have researched PDJT for many years, (being a native NY'r) . A few points I remember from reading about him: 1) his love of history and researching it, 2) his ability to research and study those he "needed to know" and how to navigate in the moment as he planned his moves to success. He is a very patient man, a very good judge of character, makes a point of getting to know those who he must deal with to make a deal and he has an amazing eye towards the future.

He's been talking about our international moves since the 80's and has been involved in many issues concerning our daily lives as it relates to government intervention.

Pres. Trump is unlike any other US President in my lifetime.

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So glad Patel Patriot posted a link to you in his Devolution Part 15 post. I so needed this and Part 15 of his series. I was actually craving this at this point in time. I’ve listened to Parts I through III and am looking forward to IV. I actually enjoy reading the comments too. People are well-informed, and it’s great to see so many of us on the same page (so many more at this point ). It’s also great to see so many people interested in having meaningful conversations. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

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Hope is what I, for one, need right now! I am struggling to stay elevated while at the same time worried about everything I feed my grandchildren hoping it's not poison among all the other things going on right now😔

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“Life said I’ll make you happy, but first I’ll make you strong.”

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Excellent article, Slag. Your analysis has got what brain cells I have left looking at our current situation from a different angle. It never occurred to me that the DS imposter represented a foreign occupation of our country. The reason I never considered it as such are the contradictions that are taking place. If a Foreign entity did, in fact, control the levers of our government these contradictions wouldn’t exist. This is precisely why the devolution theory resonates with me. I also agree with Lovealmonds comments. Justice must occur for National unity to be restored once people understand the width and depth of the crimes that have been committed by the DS and their foreign interests. Let’s start with Bill and Hillary then move on to Obama! I look forward to future articles. Nice work!

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I'm hooked.

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Wow! It really looks like that is the case but the war might have started earlier. Maybe even way back in the 90's or even before. Trump and a few others knew and worked behind the scenes. Can't wait to read the rest of your articles!

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Great job! I'm looking forward to see the rest of the series as you post it. Loved the list of failures. Sometimes we just don't see these things because we have been distracted by so many other things going on around us. Yes, we are winning and they are shooting themselves in the foot with all their censorship and vilification of what is clearly seen if they had any common-sense at all.

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I love the way your mind engages...what if???

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Prayer everyday; I want my country back

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Looking forward to the articles.

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Thank you for the hope

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