I have spent the day listening and pondering your material presented by Just Human. I want to shout it from my rooftop! I follow everything J6 very closely. I was there that day. Patel Patriot’s Devolution series (and now you and Just Human) enable me to sleep at night now. The 1000 piece puzzle is beginning to interlock and the picture is coming together stunningly. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Thank you for all you do ❤️🩹🤍💙
Now I realize how important it is to “stay in it to win it” as painful as that can be. It’s been six years knee-dip in this spy thriller, and I was honestly asking myself if i should take a break from it all and give my mind a break from the information overload, but I can’t seem to stay away. There are too many great citizen journalists out there, and I seem to find new ones every day. Knowledge is power, and it’s highly addictive. I like many others do not trust our judicial system any longer, and I was quick to jump on “The SCOTUS are compromised traitors” band wagon, although I do realize some Justices are compromised. I honestly thought even Kavanaugh and ACB were wolves in sheep’s clothing. Had I not read your post, I would not have seen another point of view and one that makes complete sense to me. I feel like we dodged a bullet. Once again, I really enjoyed your perspective, and it’s definitely been a pleasure reading your posts. I especially hope you’re right about the summer of 2022. We really can’t let it go much longer than that.
Nice comment! Let me ask you . . Do you feel that it has been generally accepted by the public that "We are at war"? The underlying assumption of devolution and "The War Time President" is that we are war. We were invaded. A foreign entity has overthrown our government, treason has been committed. Does it feel to you that as a nation we are acting like "We are at WAR". We talk about everything else publicly - but not that. It is said this "is not about another 4 year election". But it sure feels like that we are acting like it was. Just curious.
Thank you! I became involved in politics again when POTUS45 was running and after he won when I realized after our ten minutes we had to celebrate our victory something was very wrong. I checked out during the Hussein years, didn’t support him or vote for him. I just realized nothing ever got better, only worse the longer he was in office. I had no idea what the Deep State was planning for us over the decades. I then began looking into social media sites, and I started watching videos from our citizen journalists, and you know how it is. One thing leads to another, a new site, more research, etc. I did not watch fake news, but I did watch Fox, and we all found out who they really are. I began attending Patriot events, marches. (I used to live in Northern VA, close to D.C., so there was always something going on.). I’ll continue this in another post. I already lost part of it once.
The point I want to make is, at the very beginning, sometimes we’d be lucky if we could get 100, 200 people. Now, look at how many people are awake and showing up for rallies, etc. July 4th, the last year POTUS45 was in office, when he and the First Lady were at the Lincoln Memorial, the crowd on the Ellipse was beyond belief. So we have come a long way, and we can still do better (At least stop supporting corporations, people who are responsible for our demise), but those of us who have stayed in the fight, millions of us, know exactly what’s going on, and we know we are at war, and we know this is the most dangerous time in our country’s history. I sit in the mall parking lot, and I look around at all these people, and I say, look, we’re going about our lives, not a care in the world, and a lot of these people have no idea what’s going on, and there are those who have blinders on and choose to ignore it and leave the dirty work to everyone else. History will show there are always people who make that choice. I see and hear so many frightening things I’m always looking for that ray of sunshine, so it helps to be an equal opportunity listener. We need that balance to keep our heads above water. I’d like to hear your take on this if you have the time. I think many of us Patriots are on the same page. When one of us is thinking it, chances are many of us are.
I think you hit the nail squarely on the head of what is going on, and what is frustrating to so many. We (the people that know whats going on) read and see one thing - then go out into the world and see another. A big reason why people have not stopped supporting corporations, people, media, Hollywood, sports and people and entities responsible for our demise. I too go out and see people merrily getting on with life oblivious to "the war" we are in. That is my biggest frustration in life right now - that the WAR is not apparent to most. I guess that proves that "The media is the enemy of the people". I think we are at a point where we have been taught so much by many truthers and so convinced about the crimes that took place - we just can't believe we are sitting here in the state we are in and nothing is being done about it. Which leads many to question what the real truth is.
But that "ray of hope" you refer to is, in my opinion, are the Patel Patriots and SLAGs of the world showing us proof points that things are moving along. Just not at the pace or how we want. So there is a HUGE element of FAITH that has to be had in all of this by us - that the TRUTH will come out, there are good people working on it, and when the time comes - WE are going to called on to helps others with the truth - not rub it in their face.
If there is ONE THING that this whole painful mess has "awakened us to" is that in America - Citizenship is not a spectator sport.
Yes, fake news is definitely the enemy of the people, and look what’s happening. They are finally getting their comeuppance. I have a fast-food mentality sometimes, and I want things to happen now, yesterday, but when you think about it, this infiltration-takedown of our country has been in progress for decades, most likely since the JFK days, so when I see these people counting the days that have passed, I have to remind myself that six years, not to mention the covert operations we know nothing about that have most likely been occurring for a long time now, is not a long time to have thwarted the evildoers. Even when we take our country back, it will be a long road to correct all of the damage. We are still seeing more and more every day. If intentionally letting them steal the election was part of our plan, I’d say it’s working not only to further educate us, but to awaken more Americans. Many of us are feeling helpless because we’ve discovered it doesn’t matter what we want; they’re not listening as usual, and none of our reps are stepping up to the plate and leading us re the invasion or anything else for that matter. Look at Canadians. They’re all aching to do anything to save their country. Their Rats have let them down too. So what do they do: Anything they can. That’s why they’re out helping the truckers, peacefully protesting, feeding them, housing them. Being around other Patriots and feeling that love and passion goes a long way. Too bad there aren’t any Rats that are looking out for our well-being. That love, camaraderie, and excitement can be felt among the Patriots who attend rallies and events. #StrengthInNumbers. #TheBestIsYetToCome
This is a great article, well written and makes allot of sense. My reaction was one of disappointment and contentment. My anger still lingers because WE THE PEOPLE elected Trump. He won by a huge landslide. But was stolen from US! I have been hearing nothing but that Trump, the Military and his team "Caught them all", "We have it all", and I continue to be outraged that action is not taken to expose all the crimes and right the wrongs. I feel WE THE PEOPLE have been disenfranchised and/or are being used for something we did not sign up for.
However, after reading Patel's Devolution, your articles, Cates's articles and others, it does seem clear that a "swift" resolution to this would do more harm than good and would only serve to cure the symptom, not the disease. So what is needed is something that is NOT in my wheel house - Patience. There are many proof-points that if you go back to 2016, Trump is doing exactly what he said he would. And why we elected him in the first place. NOT to stick it in the face of the left by winning - but SAVE America and create a better future - for ALL Americans.
So - I do agree with your assessment and again you can see the genius of Trump by waiting till it is closer to the mid-terms. Moves and counter moves are being made by WE THE PEOPLE, protected and supported in the background by Trump and his team. People are voluntarily waking up and the genius of Trump is that TRUTH will now start flowing out faster and the outrage of what has happened, and by whom, will be TOP OF MIND of the voters come Nov. Special election or not (I don't favor one - we already voted - we should not have to do it again) Trump's return will be a slam dunk. And even if he does not come back - what he set out to do will still have been accomplished.
Thank you so much for the incredible analysis you do. All along, I've been thinking that SCOTUS was just another corrupt, activist, owned legal entity (a la Soros) and you've provided solid evidence for why they did nothing.
More importantly, you've provided hope for the future. God Bless!
Absolutely genius if this plays out the way that you have laid it out here. Trump is indeed the master chess player. Check Mate! God speed President Trump! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! GOD IS IN CONTROL AND HE WILL DECIDE TO WHEN TO UNVEIL HIS PLAN AND RETURN HIS ANOINTED ONE TO HIS RIGHTFUL POSITION. TO GOD, ALL THE GLORY!
Well SLAG and your Team...The general consensus from We The People(viewers) is that the information you have gathered is nothing but enlightenment from a Higher Power...and truly I agree, as a True Patriot and veteran, nothing pleases me more than enlightenment! Wisdom & Knowledge are wonderful human attributes to be sought after for sure...but TRUTH?...that is a gift from Our Creator without doubt! Your continuing Parts Series on THE WARTIME PRESIDENCY has been far greater than most books I’ve read lately and especially throughout the entire TRUMP nomination, Election, Inauguration, 4 year Presidency(Hell...what a ride that has been!).
These days FAKE NEWS in abundance from every known MSM outlet around the World(ALL influenced by their corrupted Globalist presidents, CEOs, and Board Members who have become propagandists that would make even Joseph Geobbels turn his head were he still of the living!) These present day propagandist are the very Ones who have AWAKENED America’s True Patriots by spreading their LIES and FAKE stories and created a Truth Seeking Movement that has circled the Globe! YES! There are still yet many countrymen/women asleep!...but with the help from this Nation’s Great Loyalists(especially those of JFK) We The People who seek the TRUTH are NO longer sleeping! The COVID-19 “PLANdemic” was the CABAL’s roaring lion, roaming about seeking in whom IT could devour... and when, as you have proposed in your Series, the Tribunals JAGs are gonna have a “hay day” revealing ALL the Globalists doctors and BIg Pharma corporations who took away The People’s Loved Ones! TRUMP was like JESUS among the Pharisees of his day...tested by every opportunity that the CDC, WHO, and CABAL would throw his way! TRUMP was WINNING and the CABAL knew it...and the Loyalists of his Administration were already ahead of the GAME! TRUMP’s “END GAME” Movie is still playing, and I agree! He is in the SHADOWS, a President in Exile without doubt...if America’s Public can not SEE this, then it is truly, as JESUS proclaimed, “You have eyes to see, and ears to hear, but yet, You do not see, and do not hear.” TELL ME THIS: In the history of our Country, has anyone ever recalled a President after leaving Office, have political rallies such as Our 45th continues to have? How about this one, a former President riding around the Country in the Presidential vehicle, the Beast, with an entire MOTORCADE of the same Secret Service and protection vehicles as during his Presidency! “Have I got your attention?” The amount of Secret Service agents with him is truly staggering!!! Here’s one more for those family members, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances of yours who still don’t get it!...
Former Presidents DO NOT have access to the AIR FORCE ONE Command Center 747 aircraft and TRUMP has access in the SHADOW Government Operation of Devolution. The ANSWER to these is:
NONE... no President in Our Country’s History! He is a President in Exile and in my opinion, truly you are asleep (if) you have even half a brain.
I’ll end with this: So when you’re watching one of those “Black screen propaganda boxes” and a NEWS ALERT comes on or you actually watch a broadcast and you see & hear their elevated PROPAGANDA...remember this: They are experts at it, they are ALL paid very well to do what they DO FOR THE CABAL, and when you see & hear their narratives change QUICKLY in the NEWS cycle, or you see & hear their FILM clips & Documentaries?…do your best to analyze the footage and that it’s NOT from a film archive of the past EDITED to fit FAKE NEWS propaganda!
SLAG…I thank you greatly, I thanked my Military friend for telling me about you and your website. I’m sure anyone who sits down and watches your SERIES of The Wartime Presidency may agree! I LOOK forward to your next Part and (if) you decide to write a book on this period of time in Our Great Country?…I will do my best to make it to your BOOK signing(hopefully, I will still be among the Living)
WOW! My comment at end of my post to you was just hopeful... however now I must say I WILL BE looking forward to your BOOK without doubt! Best wishes on a successful 1st IN PRINT Edition... hope you post Pre-ORDERS Slag! I’m ALL IN...
On February 1; PDJT posted on Telegram (and elsewhere): "So pathetic to watch the Unselect Committee of political hacks, liars, and traitors work so feverishly to alter the Electoral College Act SO that a Vice President cannot ensure the honest results of the election, when just one year ago they said that "the Vice President has absolutely no right to ensure the true outcome or results of an election.""......."In other words, they lied and the Vice President did have this right....."..."could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment...."
He then goes on to point out that it was the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who was in charge of Capitol security and that she rejected HIS offer of "substantially increased security"...
This has also been validated by SOD Chris Miller, & Kash Patel in previous interviews and publications.
So it's quite apparent that this Ja. 6 Committee is indeed working to cover up their unconstitutional actions and change the Electoral College Act, which they ignored and shut down when Pelosi's Capitol security opened the doors for the "peaceful protestors" to allow them in the Capitol Building, immediately AFTER VP Pence opened the "objection process" as it was playing out pursuant to that ACT.
In addition: Daily more and more evidence of voter fraud is coming out from the investigations and court proceedings in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc. along with D'Souza's new movie "2,000 Mules" which clearly shows the evidence of massive vote fraud in the 2020 election!
Pay attention to the forthcoming details of CNN's Zucker's story line of his resignation. CNN is the front for any and all propaganda coming from the State Department. The DOJ and FBI use the NY Times to send out their lies and the Washington Post burps out the CIA's leaks.
I see that Slag is definitely onto a plausibly significant theory in this chapter. Daily, the information coming out from many citizen journalists and PDJT point in the direction of this author's proffered evidence.
Nice article. Bottom line, as you stated in article III, Trump is beyond the point of no return. When he makes statements like "sooner than you think", "the diamonds must be returned", "We're gonna make America great again, again" (can only happen if he leaves than comes back), "The best is yet come", "Our amazing journey is only beginning" (as he was leaving office).
NOTHING other than a return to office BEFORE 2024 will rest well with his supporters. He runs up against HUGE risks, that he is well aware of by not returning. Trump said "We're gonna take back that beautiful White House in 2024", to me that's just misdirection from the stipulation of the 22nd amendment. As stated in the article, 10yrs is possible and I'm convinced that is the route that will be taken. Exactly how? How the hell do I know or anyone else know. Is the Supreme Court the way? Absolutely.
The election was stolen period! Trumps has made it crystal clear to those listening, if 2020 isn't fixed no Republican will ever win another election because they will just cheat again. So it's easy to understand with all the statements Trump has made, that the theft will be uncovered, and Trump will get back what was stolen from him LEGALLY!
I heard a football coach once say in relation to what goes on behind the scenes in the NFL, "You think you know, but you don't know, and you never will know". I think that applies to this situation we are in now. But it is interesting to learn new things everyday. Good job Slag
I'm watching this from another country, but these events matter far more than anything going on here. The future of human civilisation is at stake, this is a global struggle. For what it's worth, I think you've nailed it. This year is ground zero, and civilisation will prevail. Great work, thank you.
A brilliant analysis and like an array of sidewinder, cruise, sparrow and SLAM-ER missiles shot into the enemy camp. I have to believe as sorry as they are, the Demoncrats or RINOs also read these posts (certainly not all, maybe a handful). All the news of today whether from the fake media or digital soldiers, point to a panic on the cabal's side - they are not in control and they realize it. Methinks you and Patel Patriot are not on the frontline of this war, but have the 'enigma machine' and are damn close to cracking the code. Godspeed fellow patriots. Thank you!
I have spent the day listening and pondering your material presented by Just Human. I want to shout it from my rooftop! I follow everything J6 very closely. I was there that day. Patel Patriot’s Devolution series (and now you and Just Human) enable me to sleep at night now. The 1000 piece puzzle is beginning to interlock and the picture is coming together stunningly. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow. Thank you for all you do ❤️🩹🤍💙
Now I realize how important it is to “stay in it to win it” as painful as that can be. It’s been six years knee-dip in this spy thriller, and I was honestly asking myself if i should take a break from it all and give my mind a break from the information overload, but I can’t seem to stay away. There are too many great citizen journalists out there, and I seem to find new ones every day. Knowledge is power, and it’s highly addictive. I like many others do not trust our judicial system any longer, and I was quick to jump on “The SCOTUS are compromised traitors” band wagon, although I do realize some Justices are compromised. I honestly thought even Kavanaugh and ACB were wolves in sheep’s clothing. Had I not read your post, I would not have seen another point of view and one that makes complete sense to me. I feel like we dodged a bullet. Once again, I really enjoyed your perspective, and it’s definitely been a pleasure reading your posts. I especially hope you’re right about the summer of 2022. We really can’t let it go much longer than that.
Nice comment! Let me ask you . . Do you feel that it has been generally accepted by the public that "We are at war"? The underlying assumption of devolution and "The War Time President" is that we are war. We were invaded. A foreign entity has overthrown our government, treason has been committed. Does it feel to you that as a nation we are acting like "We are at WAR". We talk about everything else publicly - but not that. It is said this "is not about another 4 year election". But it sure feels like that we are acting like it was. Just curious.
Thank you! I became involved in politics again when POTUS45 was running and after he won when I realized after our ten minutes we had to celebrate our victory something was very wrong. I checked out during the Hussein years, didn’t support him or vote for him. I just realized nothing ever got better, only worse the longer he was in office. I had no idea what the Deep State was planning for us over the decades. I then began looking into social media sites, and I started watching videos from our citizen journalists, and you know how it is. One thing leads to another, a new site, more research, etc. I did not watch fake news, but I did watch Fox, and we all found out who they really are. I began attending Patriot events, marches. (I used to live in Northern VA, close to D.C., so there was always something going on.). I’ll continue this in another post. I already lost part of it once.
The point I want to make is, at the very beginning, sometimes we’d be lucky if we could get 100, 200 people. Now, look at how many people are awake and showing up for rallies, etc. July 4th, the last year POTUS45 was in office, when he and the First Lady were at the Lincoln Memorial, the crowd on the Ellipse was beyond belief. So we have come a long way, and we can still do better (At least stop supporting corporations, people who are responsible for our demise), but those of us who have stayed in the fight, millions of us, know exactly what’s going on, and we know we are at war, and we know this is the most dangerous time in our country’s history. I sit in the mall parking lot, and I look around at all these people, and I say, look, we’re going about our lives, not a care in the world, and a lot of these people have no idea what’s going on, and there are those who have blinders on and choose to ignore it and leave the dirty work to everyone else. History will show there are always people who make that choice. I see and hear so many frightening things I’m always looking for that ray of sunshine, so it helps to be an equal opportunity listener. We need that balance to keep our heads above water. I’d like to hear your take on this if you have the time. I think many of us Patriots are on the same page. When one of us is thinking it, chances are many of us are.
I think you hit the nail squarely on the head of what is going on, and what is frustrating to so many. We (the people that know whats going on) read and see one thing - then go out into the world and see another. A big reason why people have not stopped supporting corporations, people, media, Hollywood, sports and people and entities responsible for our demise. I too go out and see people merrily getting on with life oblivious to "the war" we are in. That is my biggest frustration in life right now - that the WAR is not apparent to most. I guess that proves that "The media is the enemy of the people". I think we are at a point where we have been taught so much by many truthers and so convinced about the crimes that took place - we just can't believe we are sitting here in the state we are in and nothing is being done about it. Which leads many to question what the real truth is.
But that "ray of hope" you refer to is, in my opinion, are the Patel Patriots and SLAGs of the world showing us proof points that things are moving along. Just not at the pace or how we want. So there is a HUGE element of FAITH that has to be had in all of this by us - that the TRUTH will come out, there are good people working on it, and when the time comes - WE are going to called on to helps others with the truth - not rub it in their face.
If there is ONE THING that this whole painful mess has "awakened us to" is that in America - Citizenship is not a spectator sport.
Stay strong
Yes, fake news is definitely the enemy of the people, and look what’s happening. They are finally getting their comeuppance. I have a fast-food mentality sometimes, and I want things to happen now, yesterday, but when you think about it, this infiltration-takedown of our country has been in progress for decades, most likely since the JFK days, so when I see these people counting the days that have passed, I have to remind myself that six years, not to mention the covert operations we know nothing about that have most likely been occurring for a long time now, is not a long time to have thwarted the evildoers. Even when we take our country back, it will be a long road to correct all of the damage. We are still seeing more and more every day. If intentionally letting them steal the election was part of our plan, I’d say it’s working not only to further educate us, but to awaken more Americans. Many of us are feeling helpless because we’ve discovered it doesn’t matter what we want; they’re not listening as usual, and none of our reps are stepping up to the plate and leading us re the invasion or anything else for that matter. Look at Canadians. They’re all aching to do anything to save their country. Their Rats have let them down too. So what do they do: Anything they can. That’s why they’re out helping the truckers, peacefully protesting, feeding them, housing them. Being around other Patriots and feeling that love and passion goes a long way. Too bad there aren’t any Rats that are looking out for our well-being. That love, camaraderie, and excitement can be felt among the Patriots who attend rallies and events. #StrengthInNumbers. #TheBestIsYetToCome
This is a great article, well written and makes allot of sense. My reaction was one of disappointment and contentment. My anger still lingers because WE THE PEOPLE elected Trump. He won by a huge landslide. But was stolen from US! I have been hearing nothing but that Trump, the Military and his team "Caught them all", "We have it all", and I continue to be outraged that action is not taken to expose all the crimes and right the wrongs. I feel WE THE PEOPLE have been disenfranchised and/or are being used for something we did not sign up for.
However, after reading Patel's Devolution, your articles, Cates's articles and others, it does seem clear that a "swift" resolution to this would do more harm than good and would only serve to cure the symptom, not the disease. So what is needed is something that is NOT in my wheel house - Patience. There are many proof-points that if you go back to 2016, Trump is doing exactly what he said he would. And why we elected him in the first place. NOT to stick it in the face of the left by winning - but SAVE America and create a better future - for ALL Americans.
So - I do agree with your assessment and again you can see the genius of Trump by waiting till it is closer to the mid-terms. Moves and counter moves are being made by WE THE PEOPLE, protected and supported in the background by Trump and his team. People are voluntarily waking up and the genius of Trump is that TRUTH will now start flowing out faster and the outrage of what has happened, and by whom, will be TOP OF MIND of the voters come Nov. Special election or not (I don't favor one - we already voted - we should not have to do it again) Trump's return will be a slam dunk. And even if he does not come back - what he set out to do will still have been accomplished.
Well said!
Nice post. Even nicer avatar/. Great minds...
My only other comment SLAG is that Trump did NOT PUNT on the election fraud - he pulled a Quarterback sneak ! ! :) :)
Thank you so much for the incredible analysis you do. All along, I've been thinking that SCOTUS was just another corrupt, activist, owned legal entity (a la Soros) and you've provided solid evidence for why they did nothing.
More importantly, you've provided hope for the future. God Bless!
Absolutely genius if this plays out the way that you have laid it out here. Trump is indeed the master chess player. Check Mate! God speed President Trump! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! GOD IS IN CONTROL AND HE WILL DECIDE TO WHEN TO UNVEIL HIS PLAN AND RETURN HIS ANOINTED ONE TO HIS RIGHTFUL POSITION. TO GOD, ALL THE GLORY!
Well SLAG and your Team...The general consensus from We The People(viewers) is that the information you have gathered is nothing but enlightenment from a Higher Power...and truly I agree, as a True Patriot and veteran, nothing pleases me more than enlightenment! Wisdom & Knowledge are wonderful human attributes to be sought after for sure...but TRUTH?...that is a gift from Our Creator without doubt! Your continuing Parts Series on THE WARTIME PRESIDENCY has been far greater than most books I’ve read lately and especially throughout the entire TRUMP nomination, Election, Inauguration, 4 year Presidency(Hell...what a ride that has been!).
These days FAKE NEWS in abundance from every known MSM outlet around the World(ALL influenced by their corrupted Globalist presidents, CEOs, and Board Members who have become propagandists that would make even Joseph Geobbels turn his head were he still of the living!) These present day propagandist are the very Ones who have AWAKENED America’s True Patriots by spreading their LIES and FAKE stories and created a Truth Seeking Movement that has circled the Globe! YES! There are still yet many countrymen/women asleep!...but with the help from this Nation’s Great Loyalists(especially those of JFK) We The People who seek the TRUTH are NO longer sleeping! The COVID-19 “PLANdemic” was the CABAL’s roaring lion, roaming about seeking in whom IT could devour... and when, as you have proposed in your Series, the Tribunals JAGs are gonna have a “hay day” revealing ALL the Globalists doctors and BIg Pharma corporations who took away The People’s Loved Ones! TRUMP was like JESUS among the Pharisees of his day...tested by every opportunity that the CDC, WHO, and CABAL would throw his way! TRUMP was WINNING and the CABAL knew it...and the Loyalists of his Administration were already ahead of the GAME! TRUMP’s “END GAME” Movie is still playing, and I agree! He is in the SHADOWS, a President in Exile without doubt...if America’s Public can not SEE this, then it is truly, as JESUS proclaimed, “You have eyes to see, and ears to hear, but yet, You do not see, and do not hear.” TELL ME THIS: In the history of our Country, has anyone ever recalled a President after leaving Office, have political rallies such as Our 45th continues to have? How about this one, a former President riding around the Country in the Presidential vehicle, the Beast, with an entire MOTORCADE of the same Secret Service and protection vehicles as during his Presidency! “Have I got your attention?” The amount of Secret Service agents with him is truly staggering!!! Here’s one more for those family members, friends, neighbors, and acquaintances of yours who still don’t get it!...
Former Presidents DO NOT have access to the AIR FORCE ONE Command Center 747 aircraft and TRUMP has access in the SHADOW Government Operation of Devolution. The ANSWER to these is:
NONE... no President in Our Country’s History! He is a President in Exile and in my opinion, truly you are asleep (if) you have even half a brain.
I’ll end with this: So when you’re watching one of those “Black screen propaganda boxes” and a NEWS ALERT comes on or you actually watch a broadcast and you see & hear their elevated PROPAGANDA...remember this: They are experts at it, they are ALL paid very well to do what they DO FOR THE CABAL, and when you see & hear their narratives change QUICKLY in the NEWS cycle, or you see & hear their FILM clips & Documentaries?…do your best to analyze the footage and that it’s NOT from a film archive of the past EDITED to fit FAKE NEWS propaganda!
SLAG…I thank you greatly, I thanked my Military friend for telling me about you and your website. I’m sure anyone who sits down and watches your SERIES of The Wartime Presidency may agree! I LOOK forward to your next Part and (if) you decide to write a book on this period of time in Our Great Country?…I will do my best to make it to your BOOK signing(hopefully, I will still be among the Living)
A book is in the works. A novel. Should be ready for release on substack later this year!
WOW! My comment at end of my post to you was just hopeful... however now I must say I WILL BE looking forward to your BOOK without doubt! Best wishes on a successful 1st IN PRINT Edition... hope you post Pre-ORDERS Slag! I’m ALL IN...
On February 1; PDJT posted on Telegram (and elsewhere): "So pathetic to watch the Unselect Committee of political hacks, liars, and traitors work so feverishly to alter the Electoral College Act SO that a Vice President cannot ensure the honest results of the election, when just one year ago they said that "the Vice President has absolutely no right to ensure the true outcome or results of an election.""......."In other words, they lied and the Vice President did have this right....."..."could have sent the votes back to various legislators for reassessment...."
He then goes on to point out that it was the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, who was in charge of Capitol security and that she rejected HIS offer of "substantially increased security"...
This has also been validated by SOD Chris Miller, & Kash Patel in previous interviews and publications.
So it's quite apparent that this Ja. 6 Committee is indeed working to cover up their unconstitutional actions and change the Electoral College Act, which they ignored and shut down when Pelosi's Capitol security opened the doors for the "peaceful protestors" to allow them in the Capitol Building, immediately AFTER VP Pence opened the "objection process" as it was playing out pursuant to that ACT.
In addition: Daily more and more evidence of voter fraud is coming out from the investigations and court proceedings in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, etc. along with D'Souza's new movie "2,000 Mules" which clearly shows the evidence of massive vote fraud in the 2020 election!
Pay attention to the forthcoming details of CNN's Zucker's story line of his resignation. CNN is the front for any and all propaganda coming from the State Department. The DOJ and FBI use the NY Times to send out their lies and the Washington Post burps out the CIA's leaks.
I see that Slag is definitely onto a plausibly significant theory in this chapter. Daily, the information coming out from many citizen journalists and PDJT point in the direction of this author's proffered evidence.
H/T Slag!
Nice article. Bottom line, as you stated in article III, Trump is beyond the point of no return. When he makes statements like "sooner than you think", "the diamonds must be returned", "We're gonna make America great again, again" (can only happen if he leaves than comes back), "The best is yet come", "Our amazing journey is only beginning" (as he was leaving office).
NOTHING other than a return to office BEFORE 2024 will rest well with his supporters. He runs up against HUGE risks, that he is well aware of by not returning. Trump said "We're gonna take back that beautiful White House in 2024", to me that's just misdirection from the stipulation of the 22nd amendment. As stated in the article, 10yrs is possible and I'm convinced that is the route that will be taken. Exactly how? How the hell do I know or anyone else know. Is the Supreme Court the way? Absolutely.
The election was stolen period! Trumps has made it crystal clear to those listening, if 2020 isn't fixed no Republican will ever win another election because they will just cheat again. So it's easy to understand with all the statements Trump has made, that the theft will be uncovered, and Trump will get back what was stolen from him LEGALLY!
I heard a football coach once say in relation to what goes on behind the scenes in the NFL, "You think you know, but you don't know, and you never will know". I think that applies to this situation we are in now. But it is interesting to learn new things everyday. Good job Slag
I'm watching this from another country, but these events matter far more than anything going on here. The future of human civilisation is at stake, this is a global struggle. For what it's worth, I think you've nailed it. This year is ground zero, and civilisation will prevail. Great work, thank you.
A brilliant analysis and like an array of sidewinder, cruise, sparrow and SLAM-ER missiles shot into the enemy camp. I have to believe as sorry as they are, the Demoncrats or RINOs also read these posts (certainly not all, maybe a handful). All the news of today whether from the fake media or digital soldiers, point to a panic on the cabal's side - they are not in control and they realize it. Methinks you and Patel Patriot are not on the frontline of this war, but have the 'enigma machine' and are damn close to cracking the code. Godspeed fellow patriots. Thank you!
This incredible explanation gives me hope.
Thanks Mr. Slag!
August is traditionally a very hot month.
Beautiful logical, deductive reasoning once again Slag. Well done.
Thank You Slag, God bless.